In any steel construction and bridge will always be found a gap / estrangement. This happens due to several reasons, like
It resulted gap that can not be avoided.

The conventional method used are generally unable to solve the exact problem, requiring additional time and more expense, because

MM 1018, is a pioneer and the only product-specific solutions for steel construction and bridge are specially developed by DIAMANT to fulfill the needs
Since the first application in 1993 for south bridge in Köln, Germany, MM1018 has been successfully applied to more than 800 steel and bridge construction around the world, including:
Technical data of the MM1018 material can be seen in the table below,

MM1018P MM1018FL
Compressive Strength [N/mm²] 110 161
Elasticity Modulus [N/mm²] 10,000 10,000
Thermal Expansion
Coefficient [1/K]
2.5E-05 2E-05
Shrinkage 0.84 mm/m 0.35 mm/m
Creep Coefficient Φ182,7d 2.1 1.1
Shore-D Hardness 89 89

Consider to rapid growth infrastructure construction in Asian and to ensure quality of on site application in order for customer satisfiction, PT. PANCARAN KARYA ANUGRAH is one of certain of DIAMANT Partners allowed not limited only for distribution moreover to do MM1018 on-site application under supervion DIAMANT Metallplastic GmbH.

If you looking for an easy and efficient solution for gap problem
Please contact us to our email or
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